
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Two Months and Counting!

Dear Laney,

That's a picture of your doctor, Rebecca Hoover. We love her. We like the way she calls you "kiddo" and always tells you how adorable you are.

We took you in for your two month appointment today, and we learned that you're in the 75th percentile for height and "off the charts" for weight. You weighed in at a robust 15 pounds, 2 ounces. Hoover says that in addition to being adorable, you seems like the perfect baby - in great health with a great disposition. We were all on cloud nine.

Then, it came time for the shots.

Two nurses came in so they could each give you two shots in each leg. I held your hand and cried. Then you cried. Your dad didn't know which one of us to console first. Then, you calmed down and quit crying, but I cried all the way to the car. Okay, I cried all the way to Walgreen's where I bought some infant Tylenol in case the you needed it later.

This motherhood thing is rough.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mom

Dear Laney,

For my birthday, your dad and I went to see one of my favorite writers - David Sedaris - do a reading at the Wilma. You went over to Nate and Brynn's house to play. I didn't cry at all this time when I told you good-bye, so I'm really growing up.

They were excellent babysitters - Nate says you curled up on the couch and watched movies and barely fussed.

Good job, Laney! Good job, Nate & Brynn!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Underestimating My Heart

Dear Laney,

When you decide to become a parent, you think you have a pretty good idea how much you're going to love your baby. And then, you meet your baby, and the love you have for her is so much bigger and stronger and deeper than you could have thought possible.

Sometimes, I look at you and I love you so much that I feel like my heart is walking around outside my body.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Meeting Granny Jack

Dear Laney,

I love you to death, but there were times in your first few months of life that you were more than two college-educated grown-ups could handle. When I needed a little extra help, I called your great grandmother and she hopped on a plane and high-tailed it to Missoula.

She played with you and helped you practice crawling and rolling over. And she cleaned our house and made us a freezer full of soup that your Dad and I lived on for months.

I remember when I was little, Granny Jack and I had a great time together. We colored and played "Let's Pretend" and one time I even remember us chasing each other around her backyard with water guns. She was one of the best parts of my childhood, and I know she'll be a highlight of yours, too.

By the way, here's a tip: If you ever want her to buy you something, tell her you need it "to get organized." She's been falling for that for ...oh... 33 years now.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Grandma Sue Gets Hitched!

Dear Laney,

Today, you attended the wedding of your Grandma Sue to Erik. It was a beautiful day, which you can't vouch for because you slept through almost all of it. I wore you in your pink wrap and carried you around as your dad and I put together the flowers and set the tables. You were a good sport.

We sat in the front row as they exchanged their vows. It was a heartwarming moment, and then...well, there's no way around it...you pooped. You were making sounds from inside that wrap like EEEERRRRRR and UUUUUUUUUHHHH and your dad and I kept looking around to see if anyone else was hearing it.

At the party, a nice lady friend of Erik's asked to hold you, and your Dad stood five feet away from her like he was your Secret Service agent. You're still so new and precious to us.


Your First Babysitters

Dear Laney,

For our first wedding anniversary, your dad and I decided that we were going to go out to dinner in Spokane. Your grandma Sue and great aunt Nancy (that's her standing next to your dad) said that they would love to play with you while we went to dinner.

I handed you over to your grandma, and I started crying...we hadn't been apart at all since you were born, and I felt so bad leaving you behind, even though it was only for two hours. I cried almost all the way to the restaurant - I felt like I had left an arm or a leg behind.

I think you and Sue and Nancy had a great time - Nancy already knew about your favorite book (TEN IN A BED) and they took turns holding you.

Your dad and I had a great dinner, but mostly we talked about you. I'm sure there will be thousands of times in the future that we go our different ways, but I think I'll always remember that first time as the hardest.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meeting Peg Peg and Tex

Dear Laney,

Your grandparents Peg Peg and Tex came to visit this week. We weren't planning on seeing them 'til Christmas, but your grandmother saw your pictures and decided she had to get her hands on you.

Your grandmother picked you up at the airport and didn't set you down the whole time she was here. From the pictures, it looks like Tex got to hold you once, but I can only assume it's because Peg Peg had to go to the bathroom. I'm sure he didn't get a very long turn.

I have a feeling you're really going to help your Florida grandparents rack up some frequent flier miles.
