
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rollin' rollin' rollin'...

Dear Laney,

Tonight - just one day shy of being 5 months old - you rolled over all by yourself. For a while now, you've been rolling up on your side, but you couldn't be counted on to go all the way over until tonight. And let me just say: this new development does not seem to make you happy.

You get all the way over, and then look around like you're wondering how you got there. That's when you start to cry, as if we've moved you without your permission.

It's the same look on your face as when you fall asleep in your car seat on the way to the store, and then don't wake up until I'm in the check-out line. You look around, bewildered, wondering how the heck you ended up in Target when the last thing you remember was the back seat. You're like an old guy who passes out in a bar and wakes up at a Waffle House. [Admittedly, this is not age-appropriate humor for a baby blog.]

Anyhoo, you're rolling over now and your dad and I are very excited, even if you're not.


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