
Monday, June 28, 2010

A Brief Intermission

Dear Laney,

Sorry there haven't been any new letters in the past few days, but things have been busy around here. Yesterday, your dad came down with a bad stomach bug that may or may not have been some kind of food poisoning, and he's been laid up on the couch for the past 36 hours.

Today, to get out of the house, you and I took a stroll down to check our mail, where I was bitten by the belligerent neighbor's crazy dog. We exchanged words, and once again I was reminded of the primal response that occurs within a mother when she feels her baby is threatened. It's like in the nature films when a mother bear is able to rip apart a van. If I were a bear, and this woman a Chrysler, she would be a few hubcaps short, is all I'm saying.

In between bringing your dad plenty of fluids and calling the police to report the dog thing, we've been too busy to blog.

Here's hoping this week takes a turn for the better.


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