
Friday, October 29, 2010

Your Knight In Shining Bee Suit

Dear Laney,

This morning, we had to give your dad a ride to school, so we took the opportunity to ditch him and go out for a girls-only breakfast. We decided on the Cracker Barrel, because there aren't a lot of people there at 9am, and the people who are there aren't likely to be the kind of folks who get all judgmental if a toddler starts...oh, I don't know...hurling peach pancakes against the wall. Not that I know anyone who would do that.

You loved breakfast. You loved playing that game with the golf tees. You loved sitting in your own big girl chair. Everything was going swimmingly until we decided to check out the toys in the gift shop on our way out, and I innocently wound up a stuffed monkey. When that monkey started doing backflips, you started SCREAMING. You would have thought that monkey had come alive and stabbed you with a fork. So I threw you over my shoulder and high-tailed it out of there.

Next on our agenda: Tiny Tales at the Missoula Library. When we got to the Children's section of the library, you took up with a day care class full of kids about your age, who were all in their Halloween costumes. Without even waving goodbye to me, you toddled over to their table and sat down. A girl dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood kept poking you, until a 3 year old boy dressed as a bee yelled, "BE CAREFUL WITH THE BABY!"

Thank you, Mr. Bee. Your mama is raising you right.

I had been warned by a librarian that the weekly events for toddlers could best be described as "mayhem." But it was a well-controlled, warm-hearted sort of mayhem. Again, you didn't seem to care if I was there or not.

At the end of song time, the librarian dumped out a huge container of books for all the kids to go through. You ran to the librarian, tried to climb the poor man and then shoved a book into his hands. He gamely read you the first page, which is when you decided you were bored with that book and handed him another one. So I peeled you away, because I think after starting four or five different books, the man was starting to get his feelings hurt.

So - that was our big day. I really enjoyed watching you play today, and 16 years from now, I would be happy to let you date Mr. Bee.


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