
Sunday, March 28, 2010

7 Months Old: A Developmental Round-Up

Dear Laney,

You're a little over 7 months old, and here is a snapshot of what's going on in your world:

1. You're into exploring EVERYTHING. No matter what I'm holding, you want to touch it. And once you've touched it, your implied follow-up question is, "Yes, but how does it taste?" I usually let you pursue this line of questioning, because it's the only way you'll learn the difference between snacks and socks.

2. I have almost completely given up on trying to feed you myself, and have instead turned that responsibility over to you. Trying to feed you purees with a little spoon was making us both nuts. You always wanted me to do it better/faster, so one day I got frustrated and said "Here, dang it, take the whole banana." And you ate it all by yourself. That'll teach me. You also enjoy feeding yourself avocados, peach slices, sweet potato chunks, crackers... you get the idea. We are all happier with you in charge.

3. We have invented a new game, loosely titled "Bucket." Here's how "Bucket" works: I fill a small plastic bucket (this one) with about 20 random objects (measuring cups, a book light, small toys, etc). You unpack the items in the bucket one by one, examining them as you go, then dropping them and moving on to the next thing. When you've emptied the bucket, you look at me from the center of your massive pile with an expression that says "That's it?" This occupies you for about 12 minutes, and allows me to unload the dishwasher.

4. You've invented your own method of crawling, which is usually a backwards/sideways combination. Often, we don't actually see you move; we just look away for a second and when we look back, you're halfway under the dining room table. Your dad sometimes calls you Ninja Baby.

Everyone always talks about the "miracle of birth." Birth is okay, as miracles go, but the most amazing moments for me have been watching you learn some new skill every day on your way to becoming your own person.


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