
Friday, March 5, 2010

Psychic Mom Predictions

Dear Laney,

I know it's ridiculous to even try to imagine what you'll be when you grow up, since you're only 6.2 months old, but who cares...it's great fun.

So here's my prediction for the future (drumroll, please).

You will be a left-handed engineer.

I base this on a few observations:

Whenever you think I'm not doing something correctly (feeding you fast enough, playing with the toy the right way), you take the object away from me with your left hand.

When you were teeny tiny, we'd put you in your swing, and instead of looking at the bright! pink! fun! mobile, you preferred to stare at the warning label, as if you were trying to decide if the big hairy man they call "Dad" had assembled the thing properly.

Now, you have graduated to the Jumperoo.

Instead of "playing" with all the bells and whistles on the Jumperoo, you seem to be moving methodically in a circle, making sure everything's in working order.

Monkey? Check.

Pop-up tiger? Check.

Twirly ball with colored beads? Needs work. Contact maintenance.

I think it's safe to say that you get most of this studious behavior from your dad, since your mom is the one who took a picture of herself with a pink towel around her head to post on the internet.

Anyhoo, it's just a guess, and we'd be just as proud of you if you became a right-handed tap dancer or an ambidextrous sheep herder.


P.S. If anyone else wants to hazard a guess, you're welcome to leave it in the Comments.


  1. Secretary of State (amibdextrous) of the United States of America.

    And, simultaneously, Nobel Peace Prize Winner.

    I present my case.

    Laney has mellowed Philip beyond belief.

    Laney has proven herself impervious to dish towel boarding.

    Laney mixes well in many social settings, espcially short, squinty-eyed women.

    Laney has exhibited an extremely precocious ability to manipulate people using obscure gestures, non-word multi=syllabic verbal cues, and humor. (Note the aforementioned photo of you with a towel on your head. You thought that was YOUR idea?)

    Laney has a big head (Absolutely necessary for Sec. of State.....)

    Laney had already developed a multi-national following.

    Laney has demonstrated a unique ability to remain analytical in the presence of entertaining, semi-exotic playtoys. Most children under the age of 8 months are mesmerized by pop up tigers.

    Since there's no age limit for Sec. of State, we can look forward to a future, possibly within the next 21 years, of world peace, consumer safety, and the elimination of the designated hitter in the American League. (Which is a personal wish from me, by the way. Thanks in advance, Laney)

    Claynac....the mysterious visitor from the south

  2. After graduation from an Ivy, you move to a quaint apartment in New York where your Grandfather visits as often as you will allow, as you write the Greatest American Novel since Harper Lee, which will require many visits to The South for research giving you the opportunity to visit your Grandfather.

    But, if you become a wrong handed sheep herder, nobody could love you more.

