
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life In The Fast Lane

Dear Laney,

On Monday night, we went over to Uncle Nate and Auntie Brynn's for a cook-out. The food was good and the company was great, but the real news item here is that they got you a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe, which will henceforth be known as THE GREATEST GIFT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD (insert gong sound effect here, for emphasis).

You got in, you got out, you honked the horn, you got in again, you recreated that scene from "Austin Powers," you got out, you pulled Uncle Nate out onto the deck to push you in the car, you honked the horn, you got out... etc, etc 'til we were all tuckered out. You know how you can go roller skating, and after you've stopped, you still feel like you're skating? There's no doubt in my mind that as you were lying in bed that night, you were still driving that car in your mind.

You made so many trips into the house, demanding that someone come outside and push you in the car that the adults started to pretend we couldn't see you when you came inside.

Uncle Nate has also invented a game that the two of you like to play, called "Body Slam." It's from the same kind of Burbach genius* that brought you "Fencing" and "Buckethead." From what I can tell, the game consists of you pushing Nate, and Nate falling to the floor like he's in pain. You laugh like a hyena. Repeat times a zillion.

I would play this with you at home, but it looks suspiciously like an ab workout.


* Your dad also has a new summertime game called "Taco." He throws you in the hammock, pulls the sides up around you and tells "TACO!" I'm expecting that one to sweep the nation.

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