
Monday, May 3, 2010

Ho Hum Day

Dear Laney,

We didn't accomplish much today. It rained and was yucky outside, and you refused to take a nap. At all. As God was your witness.

On the plus side, we got all of our Mother's Day gifts packed and ready to mail. This was actually quite a feat, because if there are two sounds that you HATE in this world, they are 1) Your dad sneezing and 2) Packing tape being pulled from the roll. For some reason, both of those sounds send you into the shivering fits. But since the post office won't accept a package that's held together by heart-shaped stickers and Post-its, the packing tape had to come out. Sorry. But I'll remind you that this whole problem could have been avoided if you would have just TAKEN A NAP.

You crawled three feet today to get to a sippy cup. When you reached it, you picked it up and used it perfectly. I was less impressed by your advanced sippy cup skills than I was by the crawling. We all know you CAN do it, you just choose not to. It's like you're against crawling in principle. For example, if there is a toy you want to play with on a rug, you will pull the entire rug over to reach the toy vs. getting off your behind to go get it. Brilliant or lazy? Six of one, half dozen of the other.

We also conducted a semi-scientific experiment today to see how many of your spilled Cheerios could be picked up by our robot vacuum cleaner. It did ok, but Ella's faster and has more surgical precision.

OK, that's three paragraphs about nothing. See you tomorrow.


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