
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On Today's Menu

Dear Laney,

In case you ever look back and wonder "What did I like to eat when I was 8 months old?" here's your answer:

For breakfast every day, you have a fruit plate and Cheerios. Peg Peg says it looks like what they feed the animals at the zoo - just a whole bunch of produce thrown around. You're really into blueberries this week, but strawberries are your favorite.

There's an apricot juice we get from the Good Food Store that you love, but I'm convinced you only like it because it's $5 a bottle.

For lunch, you like Annie's Organic Mac n' Cheese mixed with a veggie - usually either broccoli or peas. If I mix it with peas, we get the added benefit of your dad singing the made-up song "Mac n' Cheese n' PEAS!!!" (Those are pretty much the only lyrics).

For dinner, you get whatever the Laney-safe portion of our dinner is. You and your dad usually zero in on the bread. That's another thing you and your dad have in common: you both seem to think that Heaven must be a place with all-you-can-eat bread and no pants.

And of course you have a few bottles here and there to round out the day.

I want to thank you for being such a happy and adventurous eater. Ella thanks you, too.


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