
Thursday, November 4, 2010

...And I Didn't Cry

Dear Laney,

For a while now, your dad and I have been going back and forth about putting you in day care. Lately, I've been working so much that I feel like I'm not giving you the attention you deserve. And also, there's that sad little habit you have of getting around other children and staring at them like they're an alien race.

So today, you and I went and toured some local day care facilities to see what we thought. Just to dip our toes in the water. Honestly, I thought I would spend the day crying over the thought of my baby packing up and leaving home (for 4 hours a day). But here's what actually happened: you had A BALL. Without fail, we walked into a day care only to have you demand to be PUT DOWN NOW so you could go play. Mom who?

So your dad and I are going to talk about it when he comes home, and we'll keep you posted.


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