
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pinky and The Brain

Dear Laney,

There used to be a great cartoon that aired every afternoon called "Pinky and The Brain." In every episode, Brain would come up with some diabolical plan to rule the world, and Pinky... well, Pinky was just happy to be there.

You are The Brain. Gus is your Pinky.

Yesterday, I saw Gus follow you into the bathroom. "Strange," I thought. When I heard a slurping sound, I went in there to discover that you had used your opposable thumbs to lift the toilet seat for Gus so he could drink out of the toilet.

Needless to say, you two got evicted and sent back to the living room. While I had my head in the refrigerator, wondering what I was going to fix for dinner, I heard crunching. So I leaned over and saw you holding up your crayons, one at a time, and Gus. Was. Eating. Them.


So I figure that's +5 points for trying to be a good hostess, and -3000 points for feeding your guest colored wax with an E coli cocktail.


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