
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Dear Laney,

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving this year. We had Cedar and her family, Grandma Sue, and a special appearance by Uncle Nate.

We had turkey and dressing and green bean casserole and cranberry sauce and sweet potato casserole and mashed potatoes and gravy and deviled eggs and boiled shrimp and a cheese tray. There was a homemade pumpkin pie and a cheesecake. And still, you found time to lick the Play Doh.

Mom: Laney, quit licking the Play-Doh
Laney: But is SO tasty.

Even though your dad was grilling both of our turkeys, I thought it was suspicious how much time the menfolk were spending outside. Then I discovered this ancient Montana secret:

You took a nap on your regular schedule, but we decided we would wake you up when lunch was ready. When someone wakes you up prematurely from your naps, you can often be - what's the word I'm looking for - unpleasant. Your dad and I didn't want you to miss out on the Thanksgiving meal, but we also didn't want to be the ones to go upstairs and poke the bear with a stick, either.

So we sent Cedar, who I think began to suspect she was being set up.

Uncle Nate was the gift that kept on giving, playing catch with you girls and making sure Rosie was Rung Around x 100.

After the big meal, Dad took you outside for your first real cross-country skiing lesson. Grandma Sue bought you these skis for Christmas last year when you were a little over one year old. At the time, I thought they were a crazy gift, but your dad thought they were awesome. "After all," he said at the time, "one day when she's being interviewed by Bob Costas before her Olympic debut, she can say, 'I only ever missed one winter, Bob.'"

This is the kind of thought process that's taking up the vital real estate in your dad's brain.

I know it seems ridiculous that people are wearing short sleeves in these photos, but with our little house filled with people and a cranked-up oven, the place was like a disco inferno all day, minus the disco. We all had to take turns going outside to cool off.

As evening approached, so did the turkey comas, so Cedar and family bid us good-night and headed home.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


1 comment:

  1. I love your warm and vivid stories - thanks for sharing!

    I need to come next Thanksgiving!
    See you at Christmas?
    Love to all -
    Janie (Brooke's Mom and Cedar's Nanna)
