
Friday, December 9, 2011

The Bermuda Triangle of Snuggles

Dear Laney,

Lately, your dad has taken over bedtime duty. Let me tell you how it's supposed to go:

1) 8:20p Into pajamas
2) 8:30p Bedtime story
3) 8:45p Lights off
4) 8:46p Goodnight kiss
5) 8:46:30p Dad comes downstairs and watches a TV program with Mom that doesn't involve saving a obscure animal by singing in Spanish.

But let me tell you how it actually goes:

1) 8:20p NO! DON'T LIKE 'JAMAS!
2) 8:25p "I need go potty." Dad brings you downstairs. You produce two molecules of tee tee. "I did it! Look ev'body! Need piece o' candy."
3) 8:27p Back upstairs
4) 8:30p Don't like dat story. How 'bout dis one?
5) 8:45p NO! You don't do lights. I do lights ALL BY MYSELF.
6) 8:46p Dad starts snoring.
7) 8:47p You cuddle up to Dad, and the Burbach sweat-off begins.
8) 10:00p Mom gets tired of waiting on Dad to come back down. Goes to bed without him.
9) 2:00am Dad wakes up disoriented. Wonders why his head is wedged between a stuffed cat and a musical glow worm. And why is it so HOT? Stumbles downstairs.

You know what's going to be awesome? When we toss a newborn into this mix.


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