
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little "Cedah's 'ouse" Goes a Long Way.

Dear Laney,

Yesterday afternoon, your dad and I were both done with work a little early, so we drove you down to the river to swim. You actually got in with your dad and learned how to splash and kick. You were in one of your fearless moods, and we had to keep a sharp eye on you, because you quickly developed a taste for counting to 3*, then jogging into the water until someone caught you. We didn't take our eyes off you for a second, but that didn't stop you from continually reminding us to "'ook at me! 'ook at me!"

We're ooking! We're ooking!

You would think that an hour and a half of splashing in the river would be enough fun for one afternoon, but as soon as we got in the car, you started in on the "Cedar's House" madness.

We had this conversation:

Laney: Mom! Cedah's 'ouse!
Mom: No. We're not going to Cedar's house every day.
Laney: Whhhhhhyyyy...
Mom: Because Cedar's doing other things with her mom and dad, and we're going home to make hamburgers! Okay?
Laney: K.
Laney: MOM! CEDAH'S HOUSE (while pointing behind you to indicate we're going the wrong way, and the previous dialogue never happened).

Funny enough, right after that conversation, I happened to be playing around with my iPod, editing the photos you see above, and I didn't know I had hit the "video" button and was recording. So, dear readers, here are five seconds of audio from yesterday's ride home from the river. Now please, in your minds, expand this clip x 180 to take up an entire 15 minute commute.

See? It's just like you're in the car with us! Lucky you!


* Your 1-2-3 count always precedes you doing something potentially dangerous/hazardous/fatal. Believe me - we really appreciate the heads-up. It's the equivalent to a drunk redneck saying, "Hey y'all, watch this!"

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