
Thursday, August 4, 2011

XL Heart, XXL Head

Dear Laney,

We stopped in to REI last night so your dad could pick up the new shoes he ordered. You picked up a new pair of shoes, too, after pulling them off the display, sitting down in the shoe department, putting them on your feet all by yourself, and then handing your dad the box so he could pay. I hope it's the closest you ever come to behaving like Paris Hilton*.

What you really loved about the store was its selection of kid-sized bike helmets. As it turns out, you do not have a toddler-sized head. You have a kid's medium head. This should come as no surprise to anyone who's ever gone hat shopping with a Lee. Or a Burbach. Man, you really had the deck stacked against you, kid.

In general, I appreciated that you were into the $35 bike helmets vs. the outrageously-priced bicycles. The very second your legs are long enough reach the pedals on your tricycle**, I'll rush right out and pick you up one of these things. As Dora would say, "So you can be SAFE!***"


* If this is the year 2018 and you're reading this blog post asking, "Who?" it means my prayers have been answered.

** Since you got your legs from the Morgan side (average female height: five foot nothin'), this could take a while.

*** You know what would be safer, Dora? If an elementary school-aged kid and her friend the monkey weren't out in the South American jungle, driving a car/rowing a raft/crossing Crocodile Lake with no adult supervision.

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