
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Your First Concert / Whiskey River, Take My Mind

Dear Laney,

Yesterday evening, I picked you up from school and drove you into town for your first-ever concert: Lyle Lovett and Willie Nelson. We had a lot of time to kill between the time your dad finished work and the starting time for the concert, so he took you to the carousel while I finished my work at the library. When I met you guys back at the carousel an hour later, I asked your dad, "How many times have you ridden this thing since I left?" He said, "I lost count at six." Did this stop you from crying in the parking lot when we left and demanding "MORE 'ORSE!!?" I'll save you the suspense and go ahead and tell you that no, it did not.

We had dinner at a brewery downtown, then we walked to the baseball field where they were holding the concert. Overall, I would say you were well-behaved, and I wasn't sorry we took you, even though your first concert also included your first run-in with Concert Security. A woman near us was blowing bubbles, and you were having a great time chasing them, until you chased one right past a security barrier, and a big dude in all black had to herd you back to your dad. But chasing bubbles is hardly an Altamont situation, so we're still going to call it a win.

Highlights of the event for me included: Lyle Lovett's performance of "Here I Am," with a world-class bunch of back-up singers, and holding you while Willie sang, "Georgia On My Mind." Highlights for you included: Digging in the outfield dirt, climbing the bleachers, staring at the baby next to us, and eating an enormous vat of shaved ice that your dad and I didn't even try to share with you because it tasted like baby Tylenol because you were enjoying it so much. Highlights for Dad included: Being the only one in the family allowed to drink beer.


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