
Monday, September 27, 2010

And So It Begins...

Dear Laney,

Your grandmother is known for occasionally enjoying a day of shopping...in the same way that Lance Armstrong is known for occasionally enjoying a bicycle ride. So today, we hit the mall.

Because shopping is a marathon and not a sprint, we first had to stop by Famous Dave's Barbecue so you could carbo load on a corn muffin.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think you really liked the mall.

You got to play in the children's play area:

Then, because I accidentally left your stroller at home, you got to ride around in one of the mall's rental strollers, which you thought was super duper awesome. You drove that thing like a mad woman:

Everywhere we went, we kept running into the same beautiful baby:

Eventually, you and I tuckered out, but your grandmother kept going. So we sat down at every opportunity, and entertained ourselves by taking photos of each other. I call this one "Mom and Laney in The Coldwater Creek Accessories Section - All Necklaces 25% Off"

Thank you for being such a sport today. Next time, we'll know to have TWO corn muffins.


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