
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents' Day

Dear Laney,

Today is Grandparents' Day. You can totally blame it on me that you forgot, because I didn't even know such a holiday existed until I noticed it on the pre-printed calendar hanging on our fridge.

I suspect this is one of those bogus holidays concocted by the greeting card industry, like Veterans Day (just kidding, Tex). Still, it gives us a chance to pause and give thanks for all of your grandparents (both the regular kind and the "Great-").

Without this Team of Ten, I'm not sure we would have made it through this first year, so I want to be sure to thank them for all of the clothes, toys, support, phone calls, visits and "No, really, you're a good mom" e-mails.

You spent a good chunk of this "holiday" outside on the slide. In fact, I suspect that "slide," will be your next word. Here's what I want you to explain to me: You're a baby who refuses to walk, as if it's against your religion. Every time we haul you up on your feet and clap and suggest, "Walk to me!!" you look at us like you're a devout Mormon, and we're trying to force a rum n' Coke on you - like, "No! No! I mustn't! If I walk, I won't make it into God's V.I.P room!"

And yet...you can crawl to the slide, climb onto the slide, climb all the way up the slide, and you can turn around and actually slide, all by yourself. Wouldn't walking be...I don't know...easier?

Where was I? Ah, yes. Happy Grandparents' Day!


P.S. Yes, I know, you still have that dang pacifier. We're working on it.

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