
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Small Step For Laney, One Giant Leap Towards A Kitchen.

Dear Laney,

For your birthday, my friend Will bought you a little toy kitchen. More probably, his lovely fiancee Lindsay bought you the kitchen, but that's neither here nor there. Today, you and I were playing in the middle of the living room floor until you looked over at the coffee table and realized, "Hey, look! toy kitchen!" And you took four - count 'em, four - steps to the coffee table.

I figured it wasn't really official until your dad got to see it, too, so the video below is what happened when he got home tonight. Considering that you never went through a phase of standing on your own, and have never attempted walking before, we think this is a pretty big breakthrough:

I should explain the music you can hear in the background. The toy kitchen comes with a little plastic chicken in a pot, and has a chicken-shaped button that plays a song to let you know your chicken is "ready." We have made up lyrics for this tune, that go like this:

Chicken's done! I think the chicken's doooone!

Yeah, those are the only lyrics, but you think the Chicken button is super cool, and like all master chefs, you like to rock out when your poultry's ready.

So, we want to thank Will for buying you the kitchen, partially because it inspired you to walk, and partially because he said "You'd better thank me on the blog."

Well done, everyone!



  1. If Chris Brown's "Crawl" taught me anything, it's that walking is followed by running.

    I think Laney is going to be a sprinter. Congratulations but now you're going to have to work harder to keep up.

  2. Good job Laney! You are going to keep Mommy and Daddy running for the next few years.
    I Love you...Grandma Sue
