
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Laney's Family Tree

Dear Laney,

We got a request today from our most high maintenance reader, Clay Mercer of Vienna, GA, for a family tree. Like the TV series "Dallas," it seems this blog has too many characters for him to keep straight. Leave it to a Southerner to want to know who your people are.

Side story: Once, when I was in high school, I went into the Vienna Piggly Wiggly, and the cashier, who didn't recognize me, asked, "Who do you belong to?"

This is actually a good project for me to tackle, because you should definitely know where you came from, and who you belong to. So here's my rough draft of Laney's family tree (clicking on it makes it larger).

I leave it to the grandparents and great-grandparents to tell me who I may have missed, whose name is misspelled, etc.

Per Clay's request, I have highlighted in yellow the family members who have been pictured on this blog.

Hope this clears things up for everyone.



  1. Was that so difficult? I actually made this request out of Laney's best interests. The two greatest gifts parents can give their childrem are a) wings, and b) roots.

    Of course, utensil skills and pudding are 3rd and 4th, so you're on the right track.


  2. If you want to take this further...??? I have Grandma Barb's family tree dating back to her family's arrival in Long Island in 1636... Plus there were those Tuscaloosa Alabama relatives in 1800??? Now Grandpa Ron's folks are harder to track due to being lost in Sibera and something about Cathrine the Great promising assylum then not honoring that....thanks for requesting this info Clay
    Grandma Sue

  3. Sue -

    1) Yes to any more info you want to give me to make a more comprehensive family tree.

    2) No to encouraging Clay.
