
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ixnay On The Oohnicorns-yay

Dear Laney,

We've been at home together for so many days in a row that I'm starting to suspect that you're bored with me.

So today, we went to the Children's Museum, so you could ostensibly find some other young'uns to pal around with. But here's what actually happened:

Dad met us there on his lunch hour and we hung out and watched you play at the water table by yourself. It was just like when we watch you play at the kitchen sink, only 48 miles from home!

You're now old enough that you can sport the smallest size of museum poncho, which is super-cute.

Then, we went to the "Dino Dig" area where you were delighted to find 8 zillion giblets of brown rubber to scoop n' sort, even if you refused to wear the suggested safety goggles. As a former Theatre major myself, I am a sucker for a costume.

Am I an embarrassment to you already? Awesome!

But all hell broke loose when a very sweet little 4 year-old girl in a pink unicorn costume from the Dress-Up section crawled over to you and had the NERVE to say:


Oh my Lord - your face crumpled up and turned red and you took a deep breath and started bawling, as if that girl had just poked you with a hot stick. Then the girl got upset because she had made YOU upset, and I was apologizing to her mother while her mother was trying to apologize to me. It was a real public relations nightmare.

So we moved out to the fake grocery store to recover, where a belligerent little boy did not like that you were touching his grocery buggy. I could tell that's what his subtext was when he yelled, STOP TOUCHING MY CART! repeatedly while stomping his feet. Then, he rammed you with the cart and you fell. And you cried again. And his mother gave him a time out. And we left the Museum. The end.

Then, we went to the Good Food Store, where you got to ride in a real buggy and eat peanut butter-filled crackers, and say "hi" to every. single. person. we passed, which you pronounce like "Haaaahhhh..." while waving your hand side to side. It was all very Georgia-pageant-contestant-on-a-parade-float.

Well-behaved toddler in public = even more magical than a pink unicorn.


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